St Leger Precinct Placemaking Strategy

Image: Brisbane Racing Club

Creating a place-based strategy that forms the foundation for revitalisation; A future roadmap that resonates with locals, stakeholders and a new visitor economy.

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Client: Brisbane Racing Club

A self-sustaining Placemaking Strategy for the future St Leger Precinct outlines a collective plan for organic growth and a shared strategy to drive visitation, beyond the initial buzz. The process united all stakeholders in working towards a collective vision that will ensure that the site is well loved, activated and utilised by key stakeholders now and into the future.

Famously recognised as a leader in thoroughbred horse racing and events, Brisbane Racing Club (BRC) has a supportive community of horse racing enthusiasts. Fourfold worked alongside BRC to deliver targeted stakeholder consultation with existing and future communities. The goal was to gather ideas and aspirations for a new precinct adjacent the historic St Leger Stand and to develop a shared vision, supported by a strong evidence base, for its future use and activation.

The Strategy was developed through a process that provided those most familiar with the place a voice and role in defining its direction. This included consultation with stakeholders, design consultant teams, surrounding tenants and developers, along with the wider public community. Additionally, a place audit was conducted including a social data assessment and a neighbourhood context analysis to further inform existing and future opportunities for the Precinct.

Event typologies were identified and tested across the precinct concept plans, future proofing the site against evidence captured through the Strategy’s development process.

The final project outcome is a concise document that includes site typologies, potential activations and a proposed governance approach. Not only is this document beneficial in guiding future development, use and activation, but is a useful resource when attracting future site tenants and to ensure alignment between business anchors and the overall precinct identity.


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